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Code of Ethics

The Redbud Genealogist adheres to the Code of Ethics and Professional Practices set forth by the Association of Professional Genealogists (APG) as outlined below:


Purpose: The APG Code of Ethics and Professional Practices serves to promote: (1) a truthful approach to genealogy, family history, and local history; (2) the trust and security of genealogical consumers; and (3) careful and respectful treatment of records, repositories and their staffs, other professionals, and genealogical organizations and associations.


Consistent with these purposes, I agree to:


1. Present research results and opinions in a clear, well-organized manner;


2. Refrain from withholding, suppressing, or knowingly misquoting or misinterpreting sources or data;


3. Report appropriately qualified genealogical conclusions in writing based on the weight of the evidence with fully and accurately cited sources;


4. Represent my abilities and services honestly, avoiding the use of misleading or exaggerated statements;


5. Engage in sufficient continuing education to maintain competence and comply with applicable requirements;


6. Prepare and abide by written agreements regarding applicable project scope, fees, charges, payment structures, and deliverables without concealment or misrepresentation;


7. Disclose potential conflicts of interest;


8. Maintain confidentiality of client communications and research, except as permitted in writing by the client or required by court or professioal discipliary proceedings;


9. Treat information concrning living people with appropriate discetion; 


10. Refrain from violating or encouraging others to violate laws or regulations concerning copyright, rights to privacy, business practices, or other pertinent subjects;


11. Refrain from mutilating, rearranging, or removing from their proper custodians printed, original, microfimed, or electronic records;


12. Give proper credit to the work of others and refrain from plagiarism; 


13. Refrain from soliciting established clients of another researcher through denigration, violation of laws or regulations, or other improper means;


14. Refrain from behaviors or statements that malign or are maliciously calculated to injure the profession; individual genealogists; genealogical assiciations, programs, or educational organizations; or the Association of Professional Genealogists.


More information may be found at

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